V.3.12 Pompeii. Upon excavating the andron in December 1902 the following plaster casts were made.
- an internal fascia of the entrance doorway
- a bar of wood with which one reinforced the doorway when it was closed
- a ladder (shown in the photo above).
According to Sogliano, it must be recorded that the ladder was the first of its type to be cast.
Sogliano said this was due to the diligence of Della Corte.
See Notizie
degli Scavi di Antichità, 1905, p. 214 fig. 5.
I.8.17 Pompeii. December 2007. Room 14, casts of upper floor timbers.
I.8.17 Pompeii. December 2007. Room 14, remains of ceiling and an upper floor.